Oregon Casinos Payback Percentage
Oregon law permits bars and taverns to have up to six video lottery terminals that offer various versions of video poker. Racetracks are allowed to have no more than 10 machines. The maximum bet allowed is $2 and the maximum payout on any machine is capped at $600.
These machines are the same as regular video gaming devices but are called lottery terminals because they are regulated by the state's lottery commission which receives a share of each machine's revenue. The machines accept cash but do not pay out in cash; instead, they print out a receipt which must be taken to a cashier.
According to figures from the Oregon Lottery, during its fiscal year from July 1, 2006 through June 30, 2007, the VLT's had an approximate payback percentage of 93.29%.
There are nine Indian casinos in operation in Oregon. According to the governor's office which regulates the Tribe's compacts, "there is no minimum payback percentage required on the Tribe's machines. Each Tribe is free to set their own limits on their machines."
All Oregon casinos offer Blackjack, Slots and Video poker. Some casinos also offer: Craps, Roulette, Poker, Pai Gow Poker, Let It Ride, Three Card Poker, Four Card Poker, Big 6 Wheel, Bingo and Keno.
Oregon's minimum gambling age is 21 (18 for bingo).